Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pumping is the New Friday Night

For the first time in as long as I can remember I left the house on a FRIDAY night for approximately 5 1/2 hours without Zooey. I spent the evening at Chesterfield Mall scrapbooking with my cousin (who also has a 2 month old baby). It was very exciting and fun - I'm serious, I'm not being sarcastic. I started Zooey's scrapbook and accomplished quite a bit. About half way through the evening I felt a tingle and knew that duty was calling. Funny, my cousin felt that same tingle. So, together we left the scrapbooking store with our stylish pump concealing bags in tow (see former post)in search of the family lounge, passing the party crowd at Houlihan's on our way. When we made it to the lounge and got situated we were quite the sight, though luckily no one was there to see us :) Two new mommies pumping together. I think it's safe to say that my cousin and I have reached a new level of intimacy and it seems as though I have definitely embraced my new role in life :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Day in the Life (or two weeks) of Zooey

First and foremost, I apologize for neglecting my blog for two weeks. I must be the worst blogger ever. For those of you still interested and checking in I will detail Zooey's many adventures over the past two weeks. On January 16 Zooey went for her two month checkup. She now weighs a whopping 10 lbs. 7 oz. and is 23" long - she is wearing her 3 mos outfits well. While at the doctor she also endured 3 immunizations and an oral medicine to ward off RSV - afterwards she had cherry smelling breath :) Zooey has also been to West County and Chesterfield Mall for several visits with Aunt Linny. During one visit she insisted on being carried throughout the mall while Lindsey pushed our overpriced stroller (oh well, it made for a great shopping cart). This past week, Zooey was also babysat for the first time by Aunt Linny for one whole hour while I went to the dentest and she also visited with Meme and Papa (her great grandparents). We are now down to two more weeks together before I must return to work :( A SPECIAL NOTE FOR MAWMAW: see MawMaw, I love wearing my Winnie the Pooh gown!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

That's My Bag Baby, YEAH

Knowing that all of my extra money was soon going to be spent on Zooey, for Christmas I was going to treat myself to one last huge gift/purchase before the reality of mommy-hood set in. I had my stash of cash set aside and my 25% off any Coach purchase coupon ready. Then approximately 5 days after Zooey's birth reality set in and I realized that it was inevitable....if I was going to do this whole breastfeeding thing I was going to have to buy a pump. So, instead of making a pilgrimage to the beautiful, shiny, and new Coach store at Chesterfield Mall I made a trip downstairs with the lactation consultant at St. Luke's (we were there 2 days to treat Zooey's jaundice). The consultant excitedly said, "Let's go shopping!" And so I went shopping at the "breastfeeding store" on St. Luke's maternity floor. While there I purchased a $280.00 pump called the Pump In Style (note stylish and discreet pump concealing bag in picture to left). Like any fabulous ladies bag many accessories are available for purchase. Many which I already own ranging in price from $8.99 for extra storage bottles to $18.99 for special freezer storage bags. Therefore, I have easily spent $400, which could have purchased a pretty decent sized Coach bag, maybe even a tiny Louis Vuitton. Oh well, at least the milk is free.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Save the Rainforest

Oh how Zooey loves her rainforest playmat. She kicks and punches to the music and enjoys looking at the bright lights above. She can lift her head when placed on her tummy and spontaneously bats at her dangling toys. So far I haven't been overassessing her motor development (I have been able to suppress the OT in me).

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Seating Arrangements

At first Ben thought this special Boppy seat was an unnecessary registry item. He has since been converted and uses it often. Zooey love the music that it plays for her. Thank you aunt CeCe for your special shower gift!